this app has changed how i use my ipad ipods.
i started out logging into my home pc to start downloads from work. as i grew used to the controls i started experimenting with it.
now my home pc isnt plugged into a monitor at all i customized my home pc to provide me the pc power that i am limited to on my ipads. using advanced virtual pc environments i turned 1 pc into 3 viable pcs. one for me wife and child. currently i just got the new pc game D3 and it works amazing im so very impressed.
we watch movies music games it supports bluetooth keyboards
Ive tried many programs that all claim to do what this does this one is the pro.
the only limitations i have found is due to lack of a mouse. but its truly a limitation of the i devices and not this app.
Thank you this app has changed my families life!!!!!
Toolmen about CrazyRemote Pro, v2.4.0